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Set of CS Data Recovery Tools


CS Labs Data Recovery Tool & Software Compatible with Seagate SATA HDDs FW-FXR DfS FileChecker Recover up to 80% of cases.

UPC/EAN: 635292526558 Categories: , Tags: ,


• DfS can help you recover up to 80% of Seagate HDD data recovery cases (with the aditional usage of data recovery software). Practically all common firmware issues (that not require component replacement) can be repaired with proper use of DfS.If the drive has other issue DfS will help you recognise it and through the head diagnostics feature the technitian can decide if he will try to recover the data with some software or imager or if he should outsource the drive to a more advanced laboratory.
• FW-FXR and DfS are the only complete kits on the market providing not only the USB adapter but also all needed accessories (HDA connector masks and screwdrivers) and dedicated software (works on Windows XP, Vista, 7) and step by step instructions in order to complete the repair of your HDD.
• Considering that Seagate HDDs give a great number of firmware issues practically half of Seagate data recovery cases can be recovered directly with proper use of the toolkits.
• Features:Check Heads Condition. Check Bad/Reallocated Sectors per Head Record and View Boot-up Seagate Terminal Messages Fix 7200.11 Busy Bug Correct Zero Capacity Error Get Drives-Firmware-Temperature Information Test Read Speed per Head
• The Kits include: 1 X DfS and 1 X FW-FXR USB adapters which connect HDD with the computer (color might be different than the one in the photo). 2 X HDA connector masks (100% made out of recycled matterial from laptop LCD panels) 2 X USB FLASH sticks with drivers, software and instructions for Windows XP (sugested), Windows Vista, Windows 7 2 X screwdrivers 2 X container boxes.

This offer is for a complete set of tool kits and software which were developed and produced by Computer Systems. This offer includes
1 X FW FXR tool KIT with software
1 X DfS tool KIT with software
1 X Filechecker by CS full license and download link for software

Description of each product:


FW-FXR solves the common firmware problems that Seagate 7200.11 HDDs have and make them locked into busy (BSY) state. The HDD seems to work fine, but it is not recognized by Windows or the BIOS. This kit will unlock the firmware and get the HDD back to working state. This way, not only will you be able to get your data back, but you will also be able to use your drive in the future.

Why to choose FW-FXR:

• FW-FXR is the only complete kit on the market providing not only the USB adapter but also all needed accessories (HDA connector mask and screwdriver) and dedicated software and step by step instructions in order to complete the repair of your HDD.
• FW-FXR is produced by CS Labs, a real data recovery laboratory (the only SME laboratory funded by EU for research on data recovery).
• FW-FXR offers a straight forward solution with step by step instructions. Repairing the firmware bug is a real hardware process and many things can go wrong resulting to permanent damage if you make a mistake or if you use the wrong tool. Don’t risk your drive and data by trying an unclear solution that you read on some forum with a cheap adapter. You will be dealing with a legal EU business licensed to produce data recovery tools. In case of a problem we have the knowledge and experience to offer a solution.
• If it proves that your HDD has another issue and can’t be solved by FW-FXR we will offer 20% discount (from our listings offering data recovery services) if you chose to send us your drive for data recovery.
• Fast shipping worldwide. Your packet will be shipped practically immediately after your purchase and thanks to the special airmail envelopes that we use it will arrive in less than a week to most locations worldwide.

• Future support. FW-FXR software will be upgraded whenever a new common firmware issue is located
• Professional use. FW-FXR is made of high quality materials produced by CS-Labs materials science research department and it is appropriate for long term use by professionals.


This tool kit solves the following two common firmware related issues of these HDDs:

0 LBA error: it happens when your BIOS can recognize your HDD at POST moment, but as an 0MB drive.
BSY error: it happens when your HDD enter on a halt state, or BuSY state. In this condition, your HDD will not be recognized by BIOS at POST moment.
If your HDD has other symptoms please email us the symptoms before bidding.


FW-FXR is compatible with the following HDDs (Seagate and Maxtor). If you have a different HDD model please contact us before bidding:

Barracuda 7200.11:
ST31000333AS ST31000340AS ST31000528AS ST31000640AS
ST31500341AS ST3160813AS ST3320613AS ST3320813AS
ST3500320AS ST3500620AS ST3500820AS ST3640323AS
ST3640330AS ST3640530AS ST3640623AS ST3640630AS
ST3750330AS ST3750630AS

Barracuda 7200.12:
ST31000528AS ST3250318AS ST3160318AS ST3250318AS
ST3320418AS ST3500410AS ST3500418AS ST3750528AS

Barracuda ES.2:
ST31000340NS ST3750330NS ST3500320NS ST3250310NS

DiamondMax 22:
STM31000334AS STM31000340AS STM31000640AS STM3160813AS
STM3320614AS STM3500320AS STM3500620AS STM3500820AS
STM3640323AS STM3750330AS STM3750630AS

DiamondMax 23:
STM3160318AS STM3250318AS STM3320418AS STM3500418AS
STM3750528AS STM31000528AS

Important notice: This listing is offering a data recovery tool kit which can be used to repair specific firmware issues on HDDs. Improper use of this kit might result in permanent damage or data loss. You should use this kit at your own risk. We will take no responsibility in cases of damage or data loss whatever. If you are not sure and you don’t want to risk your drive or data we recommend that you contact a business offering data recovery services.


1 X FW-FXR USB adapter which connects HDD with the computer (color might be different than the one at the photo)
1 X HDA connector mask
1 X USB stick with drivers and software and instructions for Windows XP (suggested), Windows Vista, Windows 7
1 X screwdriver
1 X container box

1 year of guarantee.

Diagnostics for Seagate (DfS)

Diagnostics for Seagate (DfS) is a powerful diagnosis tool for failing or failed SATA Seagate Hard Disk Drives, aiming to data recovery. It can be used on every Seagate SATA Hard Drive. Apart from diagnostic functions, it provides firmware functions that can be used by experienced technicians to solve many common problems found in Seagate drives, that prohibit access to the data. The condition of the heads, the distribution of bad sectors or sectors pending reallocation and read speed per head, are presented in a graphical form, speeding up diagnosis. Furthermore, functions such as correcting capacity problems, translator problems, testing sector accessibility or disabling background functions prior to drive imaging, or viewing boot-up drive terminal messages, can provide a solution in many failed Seagate drives cases, without the need for expensive firmware data recovery equipment.

Diagnostics for Seagate (DfS) can also solve the common firmware problems that Seagate HDDs have and make them locked into busy (BSY) state. The HDD seems to work fine, but it is not recognized by Windows or the BIOS. This kit will unlock the firmware and get the HDD back to working state. This way, not only will you be able to get your data back, but you will also be able to use your drive in the future. It is advised that this product is used by experienced technicians only, because it may destroy your hard drive if it is not used correctly.

The tool can complement a data recovery lab equipment as an easy to use diagnosis alternative with graphic result presentation. It can also be a valuable tool for an IT shop taking up occasional data recovery jobs, in diagnosing drives and helping to make the decision for the next step (ex image or outsource etc). It can also be useful for the interested technically oriented user in order to diagnose a failing drive or verify a data recovery lab diagnosis.

DfS can help you recover up to 80% of Seagate HDD data recovery cases (with the aditional usage of data recovery software). Practically almost all common firmware issues (that not require component replacement) can be repaired with proper use of DfS. Considering that Seagate HDDs give a great number of firmware issues practically half of Seagate data recovery cases can be recovered directly with proper use of DfS. If the drive has other issue DfS will help you recognise the issue and if it is head damage through the head diagnostics feature the technitian can fully understand the condition of each head seperatelly and decide if he will try to recover the data with some software or imager or if he should outsource the drive to a more advanced laboratory.

Warning! This tool provides powerful functions that intervene with the drives functions and settings. These functions are intended for use only by experienced data recovery technicians. Improper use of those functions can easily lead to permanent damage to the drive and data loss. Use these functions in a drive with important data only if you are an experienced technician. For inexperienced users this functions are only to be used in test drives with no important data for testing and experimentation.

DfS is compatible with ALL Seagate SATA HDDs (and a few Maxtor HDDs which were actually produced by Seagate)

Features of Diagnostics for Seagate (DfS) tool kit

1. Check Heads Condition
2. Check Bad/Reallocated Sectors per Head
3. Record and View Boot-up Seagate Terminal Messages
4. Fix 7200.11 Busy Bug
5. Correct Zero Capacity Error
6. Get Drives-Firmware-Temperature Information
7. Test Read Speed per Head
8. Test Seek Time
9. Test Specific Sector Accessibility
10. Erase Specific Sector
11. Clear SMART buffers
12. Stop Background Reallocation and Background Processes
13. Set congen Settings Buffers Defaults
14. Clear G-List
15. Clear Slip-List
16. Move G-List Entries to P-Liss
17. Regenerate Translator


1 X DfS USB adapter which connects HDD with the computer (color might be different than the one at the photo)
1 X HDA connector mask
1 X USB stick with drivers and software and instructions for Windows XP (suggested), Windows Vista, Windows 7
1 X screwdriver
1 X container box

Guarantee 1 year of guarantee.

FileChecker by CS Labs
This listing is offering one (1) FileChecker by CS Labs post data recovery software full licence.

FileChecker by CS Labs checks the quality of recovered files and gives the user three options

1. Damaged files are automatically marked / renamed
2. Damaged files are automatically deleted
3. Damaged files are just reported.

FileChecker by CS Labs is a very user friendly software and can complete the checking process automatically but it can also give a big selection of advanced setting for experienced users.

FileChecker by CS Labs is specially designed for data recovery laboratories. Considering that checking the quality of recovered files usually takes the biggest amount of work hours on a data recovery process, FileChecker by CS Labs can save a great number of work hours and the depreciation of it’s cost will come right after the first data recovery service. Also the automated checking of recovered files protects the owners data and reassures him that not even the data recovery technician will take a look at them.

How this offer works:

1. Download trial version on CNET FileChecker
You have 30 days to fully test and evaluate the software
2. Send us the product key that you will get from the software. Important Notice! Product key is different for each computer that you install FileChecker. You should send us the product key from the computer in which you intent to use FileChecker permanently
3. Unlock the software by using the unlock key that will be sent to you in about 24 hours from the purchase. You can now use the software permanently

Important Notice! This is a download only product. There will be no CD or other items shipped to you

Details about FileChecker

1. Introduction:

The aim of the Data Recovery(DR) process is to extract as much data possible from damaged media such as HDDs and Flash devices(USB sticks, Memory Cards, SSDs), or data that have been accidentally lost by deleting, overwriting, partition formatting, Operation System Re-installation ect (Logical recovery).

In HDD recovery there could be the need to address hardware problems, such as damaged heads, bad sectors, or damaged media areas. Usually, after the drive has been stabilized, an imaging stage is used to extract the data sequentially, in order to cause as less stress on the fragile damaged drive.

Even if a head stack replacement is successful, there are usually areas of the media that will not be able to be read, in the form of bad sectors or clusters of bad sectors. This could be due to mild local media damage, dust particles induced during the head exchange procedure, or slight head mismatch, or stress during the procedure.

In other cases, there could be severe media damage in one side of one platter, making the recovery of data from that side impossible.

In logical recovery based on file header, it is frequent the production of damaged files, since the file searching software usually only checks for headers, while the content could be damaged.

In all of these cases, gaps will be produced in the data image, leading to data loss and damaged files. Although the file system information could be recovered, that info could point to an empty part of the image, or one with data gaps.

In all the above cases, a post processing of the files is necessary, to clear out the waste files, from those that are usable.

In some cases, if there recovery is only partial, and depending on the valuing of the data by the data owner, some mildly damaged but usable files could be accepted, according to specific criteria.

The criteria for the usability of a damaged file differ per file type. For example, a bad sector in a video file could produce a hardy visible effect on playback. For compressed files though, it usually renters them useless. A bad sector in a compressed jpeg image file usually produces discoloration or/and displacement for the part of the image beyond the bad sector position. In this case, a bad sector in the beginning of the file usually renders it useless, while one near the end of the file could result in a damaged but usable file. In a case of partial recovery where recovered data is sparse but highly valued by the user, such files could be considered acceptable, especially in the case of irreplaceable personal/family data.

2. The FileChecker Software:

The FileChecker Software was developed as a file checking tool that incorporates the experience of real-world recoveries. It offers full configurability, allowing the user to choose the action when damage is found to a file, according to the file type, based on the file’s extension.

It provides header consistency check for numerous frequently used file extension, while the known header database can be updated by the user.

Also, it searches for bad sectors, bad zones(clusters of bad sectors ex as a result of a missing head gap) and bad header (gaps in the header area).

The user can choose the tests to be performed per file type, and the actions to be taken. The interface provides three(3) groups of extensions, chosen by the user, to be treated separately, plus a group for the rest of extensions.

The possible actions taken for damaged files can be file marking by file renaming (by adding a specific extension), auto file deleting, or just reporting. The criteria by which mildly damaged files are accepted is fully controllable by the user, and chosen by file type (extension). After checking marked files, those can be mass unmarked or mass deleted. Also, an unmarking and deleting by file type option is provided.

Proper use of the tool requires some experimentation and experience, to conclude on the type and extent of damage a file type can endure before it is sorted as unacceptable. Since those criteria will probably vary by case, different profiles of criteria can be saved as profile files and used in similar cases.

The tool runs unattended and is fast. File processing speed can be dramatically increased by choosing to check only the specific file types of interest. In most cases the data owner is interested in specific file types (photos, videos, movies, documents, spreadsheets, databases etc).

Detailed reports at the end of the processing, provide number of files and damaged files per file type. Damaged files that pass the check, due to lax criteria are reported separately. A simple image viewer can be used to check the reported image files, and decide about their usability on the spot.

Since new file types and extensions emerge every day, a header/extension database manager allows the addition and editing of new types, complementing the built-in base of frequent file extensions, to accommodate the users needs now and in the future.

The FileChecker Software is distributed as a shareware. Users can try a fully functional(apart from disabled multi-instance) 30-day trial, and decide to purchase it if it fits their needs after the end of the trial period. One PC and five(5) PCs versions are available [The provided code(s) is(are) functional only on the PC(s) it(they) is(are) issued for, and provided there are no hardware changes on it(them).


Additional information

Weight 160 g


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