Computer Repair Services_
Advanced computer repair services internationally through online platforms.Computer Systems work shop was founded on October 2008 as a laptop repair work shop.
From the begining we were offering advanced computer repair services internationally through online platforms.
Our advantage was that we asked from the customer to send us only the part that needed repair.
This was possible because we offered advanced repairs for specific models for which we had full testing systems.
Through our scientific research work we developed patend protected repair methods (for BGA components) as well as repair consumables like thremal pastes and soldering flux.
Today our research work is focused on offering specific computer repair services in a remote way, meaning that customer will not have to send us his equipment at all.
Of course our repair work shop is operating as normal and we do accept for repair computers of all kinds.
Common problems that can be repaired in our work shop include:
Video board (VGA) issue
Liquid damage
No power issue
No video issue
Faulty HDD
Broken laptop screen
Broken laptop screen hinges
Broken laptop covers
OS not loading issue
Overheating issue